HAILTEC - high-precision metal products and micro-components for industry
Whether glass, ceramic, plastic or hard metal: engraving and marking fragile or temperature-sensitive materials is a challenge for conventional technologies. That's why we rely on the latest laser technology and "cold" processing. Take advantage of this technological edge and commission us as your supplier.
Please insert pictures here, e.g. of the QR code in plastic, hand holding the filigree "HAILTEC" plate
Do you need precise molds for complex tools? Do you want to mark components permanently? On high-tech laser systems and with years of experience in laser technology, we manufacture your filigree shapes as desired. And this is independent of the material. Because where conventional technologies reach their limits, the ultrashort pulse laser opens up unimagined design and material freedom. For example, with temperature-sensitive or ultra-hard materials such as hard metal or ceramics.
UDI marking
The UKP laser is ideally suited for marking the UDI (Unique Device Identification) according to the EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR).