Laser Micro-Structuring
Your components microfine structured
With five axes and femto-laser beams, the UKP laser achieves the finest 3D microstructures on your components. The ultra-fast pulses and the "cold" material removal without heat input into the material surpass etching technology or the nanolaser many times over in terms of time and quality.
We use the enormous power spectrum of the ultrashort pulse laser to impart surface structures to components. For example, tribological properties can be specifically improved. Depending on the requirements, the following are possible:
- tribological structures
- optical and haptic textures
- Functional surface structures such as the lotus effect
Your high-tech partner for finest laser microstructures in finish quality
High quality and economical
Advantages UKP Microstructuring
UKP microstructuring is ideal for products such as:
textured precision parts for injection molds; microfine, functional or geometric structures and much more.
QR code injected into plastic
Finest QR code structures can be realized in your tool molds
- 3D microstructuring
- QR code is scannable with smartphone
- Ideal for your serial number and URL's
In terms of resolution and surface quality, the UKP laser with five axes is far superior to the nanolaser - this is also ensured by the "cold" material removal without heat input.
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Your job store for microstructured components
- fast
- economic
- in outstanding quality