HAILTEC - high-precision metal products and micro-components for industry

20220123 Press release

Press release Blechexpo 2019: Ultra-fast laser, ultra-fast service

"In an emergency - for example, in the event of tool breakage - we manufacture high-precision embossing dies for our customers within 24 hours," explains HAIL-TEC Managing Director Alexander Renz. Founded in 2004, the high-tech solution provider from Hohenstein has been a supplier of filigree metal products for medical technology, aerospace and other demanding industries for years. Currently, 20 employees take care of the company's three main pillars - prototype and sample construction, series production and ultrashort pulse laser service (UKPL).

With the VDWF at Blechexpo Stuttgart

As a solution finder for prototypes and sample components, HAIL-TEC has been a member of the VDWF (Association of German Tool and Die Manufacturers) since 2019. Together with the association, the company is presenting cold ablation with ultra-short laser pulses to the public for the first time - at Blechexpo 2019 in Stuttgart in Hall 6 at Booth 6108 (VDWF joint booth). With the help of UKPL technology, HAIL-TEC produces µm-precise molds with surface finishes down to Ra 0.1 µm extremely quickly - for example, stamping inserts and punches made of carbide and hardened steels.

UKP laser offers new material and design freedom

The femtosecond laser achieves a peak power of more than 100 megawatts with the ultra-short pulses, explains Renz. For components, this means no edge chipping, thermal discoloration, splatter, contamination or burrs. The ultra-short pulses process components without heat-affected zones or acting process forces. This increases tool life many times over. "With the UKP laser, we are realizing many applications that previously could often only be manufactured efficiently using the EDM process or not at all," says Renz. The "cold" laser ablation is suitable not only for carbide and tool steel, but also for materials that were previously almost impossible to machine, such as ceramics and PCD diamond, as well as for miniature geometries. This saves time and money, for example in complex electrode production. And it gives product developers and designers the freedom to always use the most suitable material. Renz cites chemically resistant ceramics or wear-resistant silicon carbide (SiC) as examples.

From sheet metal to prototype

At HAIL-TEC, it is not only the UKP laser that is fast. "Where others are still thinking, we are already working on the solution," says Renz, underlining the claim of the family business. He sees perfect implementation of technical challenges under time pressure as the main task in sample and prototype construction. The large vertical range of manufacture with a complete technology pool, design and toolmaking under one roof is an advantage in this respect: "With the all-round service, we reduce the interfaces for customers and can promise binding deadlines," explains Renz. For reliable quality down to the micro- and nanometer range, HAIL-TEC also offers optical measurement technology from Alicona as a contract service.

Looking to the future: microstructuring

"The performance spectrum of the ultrashort pulse laser is enormous - we are currently working on tribological structures and on functional surface structures such as the lotus effect. Such hydrophobic, hydrophilic or antibacterial microstructures on components are possible," says Renz, looking to the future. It will certainly not be long before his clients can benefit from this development.


Idyll instead of industrial area: The high-tech job store HAIL-TEC is located in the middle of the Swabian Alb biosphere area. Founded in 2004, the company specializes in precise high-tech solutions made of metal. The three focal points of the industrial service provider are: Sample and prototype construction, series production and UKP laser service.

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