HAILTEC - high-precision metal products and micro-components for industry

TruLaser Cell 3000

TruLaser Cell 3000: Addition to the HAILTEC family

Laser fine cutting with 3000 watts of power: With 5 axes, the new TruLaser Cell 3000 at HAILTEC solves applications in material thicknesses up to 5 mm with high precision and efficiency - for example, for medical technology. Modular, it combines...

.... three processes at once:

1. 2D laser cutting

2. 3D laser cutting

3. laser welding

Whether prototype or automated for large series: With the new addition, the HAILTEC laser family adapts even more finely to your requirements - at laser light speed, of course 😊.

Maximum accuracy for medical technology

Particularly important for industries such as #medical technology or #fine mechanics: The automated laser system is both fast and highly accurate. For example, we can measure the laser power after the protective glass directly after the machining process. For you, this means: 100 percent process control and monitoring, important, for example, for implants such as meshes made of titanium. For exact dimensional accuracy, the system features water-cooled linear direct drive, beam shaping optics and a high-accuracy package.

Which filigree components made of titanium or stainless steel can we cut for you?

#laser fine cutting #hailtec #trumpf #trulasercell3000 #laser welding #medical technology

Image source: TRUMPF

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